Read the podcast highlights and plans ahead….

If the word journey wasn’t so overused I’d be using it now. The podcast Conversations About Advance Care Planning  started back in January and I never imagined that it would run so successfully for so long. I blogged  about the experience seven episodes in and now feel another milestone and time to reflect.

Conversations About Advance Care Planning explores the many elements that make up the process of Advance Care Planning; there's not a single way to “do” it  or a set format to use. At it’s best this flexibility allows the opportunity  to create a personalised plan according to your stage in life, at it’s worst creates confusion on the minds of the public and professionals alike. In each episode of the podcast I explore a particular element of Advance Care Planning, the aim is to improve understanding and to normalise these Important Conversations.

 Every guest  has been generous in sharing their planning ahead, it’s a great leveller and helps to show that this is something that applies to us all.

The podcasts since number 7.

I am proud (if somewhat exhausted) to have produced a podcast every Monday with a short planned  break in the summer. You can find quick links to them all at the end of this blog.

What have I done as a result of making the podcasts?

I have learned from every episode and  made progress with my personal planning ahead. I  now have a more established Digital Legacy, an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment and have used Joy Lists as a grounding for my Advance Statement of Wishes.

Progress Since last blog

Looking back on the blogs is a great way of keeping on track. In February I  hoped to be hosted on other sites, find sponsorship for viability and develop infographics to support the podcast.

Individual episodes have been hosted on other websites and I am still looking for a platform to host the series with an aim of reaching more people. Contact me if you have any ideas.

Sponsorship has been successful and I am proud to have partnered with Novo Nordisk for three episodes Advance Care Planning in Diabetes Management with Dr David Strain, Frailty and Advance Care Planning with Dr Patricia Cantley and The Platinum Rule and Advance Care Planning with Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov . This has ensured that the podcasts remain viable for the short term and, whilst not income generating, support the costs of making each episode. If you are interested in sponsoring one or more episodes contact me .

Developing Infographics has been harder to achieve. Following a successful bid for funding this was initially agreed but sadly, due to complex admin issues beyond my control, this opportunity did not come to fruition. However, hope is on the horizon with a Top Secret plan currently in action. I very much hope to be able to share and update in six months time with what will be some  exciting  news……

My Future Care Partnership

An unplanned partnership has evolved from episode 8 which has seen a collaboration with My care Matters. After much discussion and planning I have linked up with MyCareMatters and now offer LPAs alongside the My Future Care Handbook and Buddy service.

Hospital Radio

Becoming a feature on local Hospital Radio is something I couldn’t have imagined six months ago and is ow also a reality. A local community hospital now features the podcast weekly and it was super meeting the team in July – next steps aim to share the podcast nationally with community hospitals.

A visit to Hospital Radio Swale

What next?

Finding funding to remain viable remains a priority,  creating the podcasts are a labour of love more than great business sense. Over the next six months I am also aiming to be guesting on other podcasts, it’ll be great to be in the interviewees chair for a change and a good chance to widen audiences for Conversations About Advance Care Planning. I have a set of solo episodes planned to cover a question I am asked frequently; creating these has proved harder than I thought and I find myself slipping with the time line, bogging an intent will hopefully keep me to task.


Call to Action  

The call to action remains unchanged, #WhatOneThing ill you do as the next step in your Advance Care Planning? I love hearing what people have done are doing or pledging to do after an episode.

If you have a subject you would like to see featured on the podcast, or if you are interested in guesting contact me

Links to all podcasts (up to 22.9.2022)

How to ensure your plans are heard with Clair Fisher

Using What Matters Most and the Dignity Question in Advance Care Planning with Dr Miriam Colleran

The role of Treatment Escalation Plans in Advance Care Planning with Dr Amy Heskitt

Talking about planning ahead with family and friends with Sonia Kinnair

Planning ahead for end of life care with critical care and former End of Life Care paramedic with Jim Walmsley

How to start your Digital Legacy with James Norris

Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment with Celia Kitzinger

My Care Matters with Zoe Harris

Advance Care Planning & learning from research with Sarah Combes

Advance Care Planning and Learning Disabilities with Sue Marsden

No Barriers Here

DNACPR: Case Law, headlines and facts with Ken Spearpoint

Title Donating Your Body for Medical Education with Kim Claridge

What can happen if you don’t have an LPA in place & a story of systematic failure.

Tower Hamlets Advance Care Planning Project with Lauren Preece

The views of Disabled People on Advance Care Planning. What we can learn from research by scholar activist Gill Loomes-Quinn

The Waiting Room Revolution with Dr. Hsien Seow and Dr. Samantha Winemaker

Making Memories with Karen Pardoe

Advance Care Planning in Canada & running a national Advance Care Planning Day with Karine Diedrich

Organ Donation: hope and transition after an unexpected death with Vicki Caldwell, mother of organ donor Fi

How Joy Lists can help Advance Care Planning with Andrew Saunderson

The role of End of Life  Doulas in Advance Care Planning

Anticipatory Care Planning in Scotland with Dr Tony Duffy

Sally and the Brain Bank

Reflecting on Conversations About Advance Care Planning with Martin Whiskin

Advance Care Planning in Diabetes Management with Dr David Strain  

Frailty and Advance Care Planning with Dr Patricia Cantley  

The Platinum Rule and Advance Care Planning with Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov   

Why an Advance Care Plan should include your finances with Toby Freeman  


Making my Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment


Support Planning Ahead: A tool to help DNACPR decision making