Welcome to conversations about Advance Care Planning. This is the podcast where we talk about Advance Care Planning, what it is, how to do it and why it matters. Conversations about Advance Care Planning has grown from my passion to support professional understanding and promote public awareness about planning ahead.
#125 Don’t push Advance Care Planning down the road! 03.03.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to catch up with Martin as we bring another season to a close. We reflect on standout episodes from 100 to this point and share plans for podcast releases in the summer and the new season. Thank you to each and every listener and guest for helping grow Conversations about Advance care Planning into the tremendous wealth of Advance Care Planning it has become. See show notes and resource.
#124 The Waiting Room Revolution workbook: an update with Dr Hsien Seow & Dr Sammy Winemaker 24.02.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to catch up with Drs Sammy Winemaker and Hsien Seow. We begin by reflecting with such fond memories of meeting in person for the Advance Care Planning Conference and UK Book Tour last year, before I find out, hot off the press information, about their new workbook.
The Hope for the Best Plan for the Rest workbook is the latest tool following on from their tremendously successful podcast and book of the same name. Listen to find out how the workbook can help people have a better illness experience and find out how you can access resources, including the workshop in a box. See show notes and resource.
#123 Understanding death competency with Dr Emma Clare 17.02.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to talk with Dr. Emma Clare. Emma is a chartered psychologist specialising the development of death competency. Her PhD and MSc research to date has focused on improving communication in end-of-life care, psychological influences on healthcare professional’s coping responses to patient death events factors, which support death competency and the impact of healthcare professional's own death anxiety.
You’ll find an extra to Emma’s podcast as we recorded Emma’s Advance Care Planning to date in a separate discussion. The recording kit failed in our original meeting and this part of our conversation was too important to miss, thank you Emma for a round two recording! See show notes and resource.
#122 The Gold Standards Framework with Julie Armstrong Wilson 10.02.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to talk with Julie Armstrong Wilson, Chief Operating Officer for the Gold Standards Framework Charity. Julie shares what GSF is, describing the training involved, and the difference it can make to teams, organisations and, most importantly to people. See show notes and resource.
#121 Creating a tool to support decision making at End of Life with podiatrist Mark Povey 03.02.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to talk with podiatrist Mark Povey. Mark and I first met when I was lead for EoLC at an NHS Trust and Mark presented an idea around decision making for podiatry patients towards the end of life. It’s fascinating and a privilege to hear how this idea developed into a QI project and subsequent training package. See show notes and resource.
#120 ACP Day 2025: James and Clare share how you can be involved 27.01.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to catch up with James Norris. James is the founder of MyWishes and the Digital Legacy Association. He is also the Digital Research Fellow at Michael Sobell Hospice (London).
It’s a chance for us to reflect on the 2024 Advance Care Planning Conference and to share news of the UK's second National Day dedicated to Advance and Future Care Planning. Listen to hear how you can be involved, through attending in person, live streaming or making a pledge.There’s a wealth of resource on the Advance Care PLan website too and space for you to share your own Advance Care Planning event. Join us to make this year bigger and better! See show notes and resource.
#119 What OMi Interactive can offer in care and Advance Care Planning with Chris Skinner 20.01.25 In this episode it is my pleasure to talk with Chris |Skinner, Regional Product Specialist for OMi. I briefly saw Chris and was introduced to OMi at a conference and wanted to learn more. In this podcast I find out about the range of services from OMi and focus particularly on the Life Stories initiative. I explore with Chris a novel way of documenting What Matters Most to a person and the creation of legacy work through OMi. See shows notes and resource.
#118 Mental Capacity, Best Interests decision making and the law with Alex Ruck Keene KC 13.01.25 In this episode it is my pleasure and honour to talk with Alex Ruck Keene KC. Alex is an English barrister, writer and educator. His practice is focused on mental capacity, mental health and healthcare law, and he is also a Professor of Practice at King’s College London. He also writes extensively, and is the creator of the website Mental Capacity Law and Policy
We discuss what the law tells us about the Mental Capacity Act and Best Interests decision making. Alex shares examples and case law to powerfully illustrate legislation. See show notes and resource.
#117 The MCA, Best Interests decision making and common misconceptions with Baroness Ilora Finlay. 06.01.25 See show notes and resource.
#116 A personal thank you to the staff at East Grinstead Hospital. 30.12.24 See show notes and resource.
#115 Conversations About Advance Care Planning 2024 Round Up. 23.12.24 See show notes and resource.
#114 Better End of Life Report 2024. What we can learn about the current experience of end of life care in England and Wales with Professor Fliss Murtagh 15.12.24 See show notes and resource.
#113 Advance Care Planning: a firefighter’s perspective with John Barlow 09.12.24 See show notes and resource.
#112 Lasting Power of Attorney: a younger person’s perspective with Robyn Fuller 02.12.24 See show notes and resource.
#111 Clare & Dani explore public awareness of DNACPR & ReSPECT 25.11.24 See show notes and resource.
#110 Our Special Friends with Dr Bin Johnston 18.11.24 See show notes and resource.
#109 What Matters to You from a carers perspective with Thomas Whitelaw 11.11.24 See show notes and resource.
#108 Advance Care Planning: Reflecting on collaborations with Dani Ayre and the Waiting Room Revolution Team 04.11.24 See show notes and resource.
#107 Assisted Dying, Advance Care Planning and the choices we have now 24.10.24 See show notes and resource.
#106 Leaving Gracefully with Beverley Bulmer 21.10.24 See show notes and resource.
#105 Poverty & care at the end of life with Sam Royston 14.10.24 See show notes and resource.
#104 What Matters to You with Karen Turner 07.10.24 See show notes and resource.
#103 Diagnosing Dying & the power of words with Dr Joe Hawkins 30.09.24 See show notes and resource.
#102 Clare & Dani reflect: Interventions and CPR 23.09.24 See show notes and resource.
#101 Ageing Without Children and Advance Care Planning with Penny Shepherd 16.09.24 See show notes and resource.
#100 Planning not panicking: Advance Care Planning with Martin Whiskin 01.07.24 See show notes and resource.
#99 The Victoria & Stuart Project: helping people with learning disabilities plan for the end of their life 24.06.24 See show notes and resource.
#98 Stopping chemotherapy: Treatment, hope and time with Louisa Nicoll, wife of John 17.06.24 See show notes and resource.
#97 The End of the Road Show - how the arts can support Advance Care Planning with Su Squire 10.06.24 See show notes and resource.
#96 Advance Care Planning: making it real with Tara Humphrey 03.06.24 See show notes and resource.
#95 Organ donation with Dr Radha Sundaram 27.05.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#94 What we can learn about S46 funerals and Advance Care Planning with Evie King 20.05.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#93 Dying Matters with Dr Lucy Pain 13.05.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#92 Getting Your House in Order: Planning End of Life Care with Clare Fuller & Dani Ayre 06.05.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#91 Getting Your House in Order: Legacy & memory making with Clare Fuller & Dani Ayre 29.04.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#90 Getting Your House in Order: Thinking about who would speak for you with Clare Fuller & Dani Ayre 22.04.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#89 Getting Your House in Order: Thinking about what you don’t want with Clare Fuller & Dani Ayre 15.04.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#88 Getting Your House in Order: Thinking about the things you do want with Clare Fuller & Dani Ayre 08.04.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#87 Getting Your House in Order: Thinking about what matters most to you with Clare Fuller & Dani Ayre 01.04.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#86 Think, Talk, Act with Wendy Hills 25.03.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#85 The Safari Concept with Dr. Christian Ntizimira 18.03.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#84 Alison Gardner & Sophy Horner Last Days Matter 11.03.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#83 Lasting Power of Attorney with Gary Rycroft 04.03.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#82 What living well with dementia looks like with Peter Berry and Deb Bunt 26.02.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#81 Talking through the intersection between critical care & EoLC 19.02.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#80 Why I started a Death Café with Ewout Van-Manen 12.02.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#79 Helping to see the person behind the patient with OT Justine Robinson 05.02.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#78 Advance Care Planning: Listening not box ticking with Professor Alison Leary 29.01.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#77 What Matters Most in action and the power of Communication and kindness with Caroline England. 22.01.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#76 Companion Voices with Judith Silver. 15.01.24 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#75 Having fun with Advance Care Planning. 23.10.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#74 Changing plans, anticipatory grief and planning ahead. 16.10.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#73 What we need to do after a person has died at home. 09.10.23 Listen adnd see show notes and resource.
#72 What changes are there as someone approaches the end of life? 02.10.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#71 Symptom control and medication as someone approaches the end of life at home. 25.09.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#70 What equipment might be needed to help look after a person who is dying at home. 18.09.23 Listen and see how notes and resource.
#69 Dying at home, what you need to know and how to be prepared - What support is available to help look after a person who is dying at home. 11.09.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#68 Dying at home, what you need to know and how to be prepared - Recognising when someone might be in the last stages of life. 04.09.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#67 Why we need to talk more about Ordinary Dying with Lizzi Collinge. 28.08.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#66 Terminology and language around discontinuing dialysis with Dr Barny Hole & Dr Emma Murphy. 21.08.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#65 Living and Dying with Kidney Disease with Dr Barny Hole & Dr Emma Murphy. 14.08.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#64 Mental Capacity: it’s decision specific, not a binary concept with Dr Maggie Keeble. 07.08.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#63 Advance Care Planning through the lens of a surgeon, daughter and patient with Dr Liz O’Riordan. 31.07.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#62 David Bowie & Advance Care Planning: a conversation with Prof. Mark Taubert. 24.07.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#61 Living with the end in mind with Wendy Mitchell. 17.07.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#60 Advance Care Planning in a relational context with Dr Julian Abel. 10.07.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#59 Advance Care Planning from Student Nurse to PhD Student. 03.07.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#58 The challenges of Advance Care Planning for people experiencing homelessness with Dr Naheed Dosani. 26.06.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#57 The legal framework that underpins Lasting Power of Attorney and Deprivation of Liberty with Victoria Butler-Cole. 19.06.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#56 The Court of Protection: Experience of a daughter. 12.06.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#55 Lasting Power of Attorney, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and the Court of Protection - a family's experience. 05.06.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#54 Anticipatory prescribing: what it is, what research tells us and what we can do better with Dr Ben Bowers. 29.05.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#53 The power of Memorial Jewellery with Ros Wood. 22.05.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#52 The Elephant in the Room Advance Care Planning simulation training with Dr Anna Steel. 15.05.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#51 Marking anniversaries and walking alongside a person who is grieving. 08.05.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#50 Conversations that are making a difference with Martin Whiskin 13.03.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#49 Reflecting on Conversations About Advance Care Planning with Martin Whiskin 06.03.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#48 To dialyse or not to dialyse? How research can support decision making with Dr Lucy Selman 27.02.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#47 The importance of having a will in place with Sara Sheppard 20.02.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#46 Clare talks on the Magnificent Midlife podcast with Rachel Lancaster 13.03.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#45 Fast Track CHC: Accessing Care to support Advance Care Planning with Jo Armstrong. 06.02.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#44 Why you need a Lasting Power of Attorney - Clare is a guest on the Medics Money podcast. 30.01.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#43 Clair Fisher re-release. 23.01.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#42 Advance Care Planning across ages - Common ground and challenges. 16.01.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#41 How to find a voice for Advance Care Planning when you can’t talk, with Speech and Language Therapist Sophie Whitehead. 09.01.23 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#40 Working when living with a terminal illness with Joanne Smithson and Sam Royston. 28.11.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#39 ReSPECT and Advance Care Planning with Dr Zoe Fritz. 21.11.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#38 Advance Care Planning and dementia with Wendy Mitchell. 14.11.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#37 Choice is meaningless unless you know all the options with Holly Lyon Hawke holistic funeral director. 07.11.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#36 If I get dementia, will they serve me meat? Advance Care Planning for vegans and vegetarians with Amanda Woodvine. 31.10.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#35 When doing nothing is doing everything with Dr Erica Borgstrom. 24.10.22 Listen and see how notes and resource.
#34 Featherbed Tales and the power of voice with Caroline England. 17.10.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#33 How Conversation Analysis can support Advance Care Planning with Professor Ruth Parry. 10.10.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#32 Using tender conversations in Advance Care Planning with Dr Kathryn Mannix. 03.10.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#31. Organ Donation: hope and transition after an unexpected death with Vicki Caldwell, mother of organ donor Fee. A special episode re-released for Organ Donation Week 2022. 26.09.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#30 Following up Zoe’s pledge to sort out her Digital Legacy 20.09.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#29 Why an Advance Care Plan should include your finances with Toby Freeman 06.09.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#28 The Platinum Rule and Advance Care Planning with Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov 05.09.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#27 Frailty and Advance Care Planning with Dr Patricia Cantley 29.08.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#26 Advance Care Planning in Diabetes Management with Dr David Strain 22.08.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#25 Reflecting on Conversations About Advance Care Planning with Martin Whiskin 20.06.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#24 Sally and the Brain Bank. 13.06.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#23 Anticipatory Care Planning in Scotland with Dr Tony Duffy 06.06.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#22 The role of End of Life Doulas in Advance Care Planning 30.05.22 Show notes and resource.
#21 How Joy Lists can help Advance Care Planning with Andrew Saunderson 23.05.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#20 Organ Donation: hope and transition after an unexpected death with Vicki Caldwell, mother of organ donor Fi 16.05.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#19 Advance Care Planning in Canada & running a national Advance Care Planning Day with Karine Diedrich 09.05.22. Listen and see show notes and resource.
#18 Making Memories with Karen Pardoe 02.05.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#17 The Waiting Room Revolution with Dr. Hsien Seow and Dr. Samantha Winemaker 25.04.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#16 The views of Disabled People on Advance Care Planning. What we can learn from research by scholar activist Gill Loomes-Quinn 18.04.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#15 Tower Hamlets Advance Care Planning Project with Lauren Preece 11.04.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#14 What can happen if you don’t have an LPA in place & a story of systematic failure. 04.04.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#13 Title Donating Your Body for Medical Education with Kim Claridge 28.03.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#12 DNACPR: Case law, headlines and facts with Ken Spearpoint 21.03.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#11 No Barriers Here with Gemma Allen & Dr Jed Jerwood 14.03.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#10 Advance Care Planning and Learning Disabilities with Sue Marsden 07.03.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#9 Advance Care Planning & learning from research 28.02.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#8 My Care Matters with Zoe Harris 21.02.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#7 Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment with Celia Kitzinger 14.02.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#6 How to start your Digital Legacy with James Norris 07.02.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#5 Planning ahead for end of life care with critical care and former End of Life Care paramedic with Jim Walmsley 31.01.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#4 Talking about planning ahead with family and friends with Sonia Kinnair 24.01.22 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#3 The role of Treatment Escalation Plans in Advance Care Planning with Dr Amy Heskett 17.01.2022 Listen and see show notes and resource.
#2 Using What Matters Most and the Dignity Question in Advance Care Planning with Dr Miriam Colleran 10.01.2022 Listen and see show notes and resource.
# 1 How to ensure your plans are heard with Clair Fisher 06.01.2021 Listen and see show notes and resource.
About Clare
I am a Registered Nurse with 30 years’ experience in End-of-Life Care (EoLC). I have worked in hospices, the community, and acute sectors as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and at a regional level as a Consultant Nurse for the Gold Standards Framework. I am a CQC Specialist Advisor for EoLC and a Lasting Power of Attorney Consultant. I also campaign for proactive Advance Care Planning.
Bespoke Consultancy
If you’d like to find out more about my work contact me.