Why chose Speak For Me LPA to draft your Lasting Power of Attorney?
Why chose Speak For Me LPA to draft your Lasting Power of Attorney?
Looking at the 54 blogs published so far, I realised there is one rather large gap. I have written about Lasting Power of Attorney through many lenses, posted experiences from the Open Justice Court of Protection, reported on polls and charted my own Advance Care Planning but seem to have missed writing about a key element of my work - that of a Lasting Power of Attorney Consultant.
In the beginning I imagine that was because I was shaping the business, working out how I wanted to deliver this service and later it became something simply established and business as usual. Now it has grown to be work I am exceptionally proud; I’ll describe in this blog what I do, why I am proud of the business I have built and why you might chose Speak For Me LPA to draft your Lasting Power of Attorney.
What I do
Speak For Me LPA is a unique Lasting Power of Attorney consultancy service, I founded the service because I saw all too often the impact of people leaving this important part of Advance Care Planning too late. I realised there was a combination of four key barriers stopping people from making a Lasting Power of Attorney; awareness, relevance, know how and what I call know will.
I felt that a good Lasting Power of Attorney Consultancy should go above and beyond simply drafting the papers and looked at how I could influence the barriers I had identified. Starting with awareness, only around 1% of the population have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, arguably it’s something every capacitous adult should consider. Next is relevance, too many people think a Lasting Power of Attorney is something only associated with ill health or older age and forget that capacity can be lost at any time through sudden ill health or an accident. Then there is a barrier I call know how – people simply not knowing how to go about making a Lasting Power of Attorney. Lastly, what I call a know will group – people who know how to make a Lasting Power of Attorney but recognise they just won’t get around to it and handing it over to me simply makes their life easier.
The reasons people don’t make a Lasting Power of Attorney
To address all of these barriers I work in a number of ways, I produce blogs which include many commonly asked questions about making a Lasting Power of Attorney, I podcast and feature Lasting Power of Attorney in the context of Advance Care Planning, I provide talks for groups and education for professionals. On top of that I learn; I follow work of the Open Justice Court of Protection and attend hearings[i] which have given me a greater depth of understanding.
As an example, I have recently featured a series of three podcasts featuring a family experience at the Court of Protection and the interplay between Lasting Power of Attorney and Deprivation of Liberty in episode 55, 56 and 57 .
Why I am proud
I am proud because I have stuck to my original aims. In 2020 I wrote If I can't be me, it's not for me and looking back I am proud to say I have stuck with the values of honesty, integrity and compassion. I know I give a great service and spend as much time as a client needs ensuring the Lasting Power of Attorney is just right for them, I support families with the conversations behind the forms and I provide information for every person on the steps to take once a Lasting Power of Attorney is registered.
What you might choose Speak For Me LPA to draft your Lasting Power of Attorney
If you are thinking of making a Lasting Power of Attorney you have three choices, you can DIY, use a solicitor or a Lasting Power of Attorney Consultant such as Speak For Me LPA . You can read more about the options and questions to ask in this blog .
The benefits of using Speak For Me LPA can be summarised below, in a nutshell I provide a highly personalised service supporting clients from discussion to delivery of a Lasting Power of Attorney.
· Each LPA is tailored to need and can be completed in a way that to suit individual clients.
· Meetings can be face to face, on-line or via telephone.
· The cost is set – not hidden extras.
· You are not limited to number of consultations or rushed to complete your LPA.
· I support you and your family in talking about what matters to you.
· Speak For Me LPA offers remission and exemption for anyone in financial hardship.
· Speak For Me LPA can draft your LPA wherever you live through telephone and on line support - geography is no boundary.
How do I contact Speak For Me LPA to make my Lasting Power of Attorney?
If you have a question about making your Lasting Power of Attorney you find the answer in my blog, there is a search button now to make it even easier to find what you are looking for. Check out the podcasts too, many feature information about Lasting Power of Attorney.
If you are a group or organisation looking for a talk about Lasting Power of Attorney or an organisation looking for a session or complete education programme on Advance Care Planning including Lasting Power of Attorney education check out my website or contact me .
And if you would like me to help you make you Lasting Power of Attorney, message me here.
[i] Hearings I’ve blogged about:
Bearing Witness: Anorexia Nervosa and NG Feeding;
Lasting Power of Attorney: Across Borders
Capacity to make a Lasting Power of Attorney
Reflecting on Re MW and Advance Planning: Legal frameworks and why they matter
What happens when Lasting Power of Attorney goes wrong?
Decision-making with clarity and compassion: Validity of LPAs and appointment of Deputy