
Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

How to begin your a Digital Legacy

I am interested in Digital Legacy as part of Advance Care Planning, and keen to learn more about this emerging element of planning ahead. The aim of this blog is to raise the awareness of Digital Legacy as part of Advance Care Planning and to share resources available to help make a Digital Legacy.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

A Promise to Plan Ahead

The New Year brings a time of reflection and resolutions to ourselves and others, promises to get fit, lose weight or find that magic work life balance. I wrote last year about one resolution to make a real difference- deciding who would speak for you by making a Lasting Power of Attorney , this year I want to raise awareness of the resources available to help start those important conversations and document plans.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

LPA Registered:What Next?

There is a neglected side to LPAs I think, the what next bit. By this I mean what should you do once an LPA is registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. I have already written about the nuances checking the validity of an LPA here and here covering key factual information; this blog focuses less on facts and more on actions.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

When later is too late

When is it too late to make a Lasting Power of Attorney? I am a nurse and my thinking aligns to holistic assessment. I approach assessments with consideration of the physical, psychological and emotional elements that make us who we are and I realised this week that those principles hold fast when making a Lasting Power of Attorney.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

Flying not falling

This blog is dedicated to a fabulous business woman, Tara Humphrey. I have been lucky to both work with Tara and to experience Tara’s business coaching; Tara works with a focus and shares with honesty what has helped her grow such a successful business. Listening to Tara on a couple of her recent podcasts made me reflect and take action, two things neatly covered in this one blog.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

What happens when Lasting Power of Attorney goes wrong?

In the Court of Protection recently, I observed what can happen when a person who has since lost capacity has appointed an LPA (for both Finance and Property and for Health and Welfare) but it’s not working well.

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Yolanda Aze Yolanda Aze

Mud Huts, Mountains, and the French Foreign Legion

How do people with a relaxed attitude to life feel about creating LPAs? Is it ever too early to make an LPA? If it worked out alright when the French Foreign Legion evacuated us, surely it will work out ok now?

This blog follows the journey of ‘Grandad’, from writing previously unwritten languages to (eventually) writing his LPA.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

Lasting Power of Attorney: Across Borders

An LPA enables a ‘donor’ to choose ‘attorneys’ to make decisions for them if they lose capacity. But what happens if the donor moves abroad? In this blog, I report on a hearing I recently attended where an attorney wanted to move their aunt from Lebanon to the UK.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

What triggers an LPA?

It started with a poll. In previous blogs I have explored barriers to making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), with results correlating with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) findings. OPG research explored reasons or barriers to making an LPA in 2014 and found attitudinal reasons common - people just don’t think it will apply to them. The most common reason or not doing an LPA in the Twitter poll I ran in 2020 was attitudinal too, with people thinking they just didn’t need one. LPAs retain a reputation as documents in older age or ill health rather than a part of normal life planning.
The most recent poll I ran set out to find out triggers to making an LPA – what are the triggers can we increase them to normalise LPAs?

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller


You may have noticed headlines about Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) in the past year. As always with news it is the sensationalist headlines that capture the eye and our attention; in issues as important as DNACP knowing the facts behind the headlines matters. This blog explores what DNACPR is and makes clear the role of Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) with DNACRR.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

LPAs, tea & friends

Stay with me on this, there is method in the title. Today’s blog is in direct response to a plea from a close friend, asking me to raise awareness of the importance of checking all details of a Lasting Power of Attorney application.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

Lasting Power of Attorney: Planning for Just in Case

Lasting Power of Attorney: planning for just in case
Most people, if they think about Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) at all, think of it as something associated with increasing age or a degenerative condition such as dementia; todays blog highlights the importance of LPAs in the case of sudden illness.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

One Resolution that Really Does Make a Difference

New Year resolutions; things we pledge to but generally don’t stick to. Here’s one idea that will make a difference and be a resolution with real meaning and worth – decide who would speak for you if ever needed. I can’t think of anything more important, particularly in the year of uncertainty that 2020 has been, than appointing someone you trust to speak for you with a Lasting Power of Attorney…

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

Just a Normal Part of Life Planning

In this blog I aim to normalise Lasting Power of Attorney decision making and place it in the context of general life planning. I will touch on why LPAs aren’t in place for the vast majority of us and end, as ever, with a call to action.

There are two types of LPA, one covers Health and welfare and the other Property & Finance, details of which are covered more in blog 1 and blog 2 Business LPAs form a third category, however whilst drafting a Business LPA requires specific thinking and questioning the application follows the same process as the Property and Finance LPA (LP1F )

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

If I Can’t Be Me, It’s Not for Me

“If I can’t be me it’s not for me”……I first heard this in discussion with a respected friend (the brilliant @lisafalkimprove); it resonated deeply within me but at that point I had no idea it would grow into a blog. Thinking and learning more about developing my business saw me gaining inspiration from listening to The Business of healthcare Podcast with #80: Planning and Patience setting in motion my next thinking. Creating a public declaration & accountability for my business has been duel edged; firstly, helping me to clarify exactly what I have set out to achieve and secondly providing motivation to achieve…

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

Checking the Validity of an LPA: The Unknown Code: Part 2

Whilst I am guessing this blog isn’t as eagerly anticipated as the return of Strictly I did promise part two so here goes….

Part one explored issues around checking the validity of a Lasting Power of Attorney providing clarification on the process and differences with LPAs registered pre and post 17.7.2020. The new OPG on line checking service and power of the access code were highlighted and the difference an Access Code brings emphasised – a double whammy of quick access and no more worries about finding that critical original document. From my rudimentary poll there is a lack of awareness about the code, the difference it makes is huge and both public and organisational awareness are needed #UseAnLpA indeed.

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Clare Fuller Clare Fuller

Checking the Validity of an LPA: The Unknown Code: Part 1

Last week I ran a Twitter poll to find out how people checked the validity of a Lasting Power of an Attorney (LPA). An LPA allows someone (the Attorney) to talk for you (the Donor) should you lose the ability to speak for yourself through progressive illness or sudden accident. This blog is a thank you for everyone who took time to respond, to share the results and, for anyone having a sleepless night wondering what the right answer is, then….ta dah…all will be revealed. On a more serious note this matters – we are getting better about raising awareness for LPAs but not so good about understanding what someone means when the say “I have Power of Attorney” – just how do you check this at 3am on a Saturday night?

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