Assisted Dying – an open letter to Esther Rantzen
In a recent article Dame Esther outlines her support for Assisted Dying.
My concern is that we may rush into legalizing Assisted Dying without first addressing opportunities to improve understanding and implement existing measures which can alleviate the fear of losing control over our end of life wishes.
In response to Dame Esther’s article, I aim to highlight some common fears and share practical steps we can take now to gain a sense of control over our end of life decisions.
The role of EoL Doulas in Advance Care Planning by Aly Dickinson
I first met the wonderful Aly Dickenson back in 2022 when I wanted to learn more about the role of EoL Doulas. Talking with Aly resulted in the podcast The role of End of Life Doulas in Advance Care Planning and a valued connection.
Aly’s passion for Advance Care Planning is at the heart of her work; in this blog Aly describes her role as an EoL Doula and how she supports Advance Care Planning. Aly closes the blog with a powerful message calling for death and dying to be re-established in the heart of communities.
Thank you, Aly.
“It started with a webinar, I never knew it would come this far”
I have been doing my role for a long time; it scares me sometimes to acknowledge that means over 30 years, and most of that time has been focused on Palliative and End of Life Care (PEoLC). Somewhat unusually, I have worked across the spectrum and seen PEoLC through multiple lenses working is hospices, the community, the acute sector and even as a carer for a close family member. I have worked as a Specialist Advisor for the CQC and a Nurse Consultant for GSF. I founded Speak For Me to improve professional understanding, raise public awareness and normalise conversations about Advance Care Planning in 2021.The potted career history is my way of saying I have been in this game a long time and, whichever lens I look through, Advance Care Planning starts too late.
Many people have had a dream about having an Advance Care Planning Day to the UK; this blog is about how a dream has become reality.
“It started with a webinar, I never knew it would come this far”
I have been doing my role for a long time; it scares me sometimes to acknowledge that means over 30 years, and most of that time has been focused on Palliative and End of Life Care (PEoLC). Somewhat unusually, I have worked across the spectrum and seen PEoLC through multiple lenses working is hospices, the community, the acute sector and even as a carer for a close family member. I have worked as a Specialist Advisor for the CQC and a Nurse Consultant for GSF. I founded Speak For Me to improve professional understanding, raise public awareness and normalise conversations about Advance Care Planning in 2021.The potted career history is my way of saying I have been in this game a long time and, whichever lens I look through, Advance Care Planning starts too late.
Many people have had a dream about having an Advance Care Planning Day to the UK; this blog is about how a dream has become reality.
Advance Care Planning & DNACPR: reports & publications
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman report, released in March 2024 and calling for improvement in DNACPR conversations is the focus for this blog. It is an important document highlighting current failures in practice and recommending steps for the way forward.
The dual purpose of this blog is to place the report in context of other relevant and key publications and to highlight the findings of the report.
Advance Care Planning: A case study by Dr Joe Cosgrove
Advance Care Planning stories can bring to life the impact of planning ahead. I am proud to be hosting guest blogs, and this week to feature Advance Care Planning in the form of a case study and discussion with Dr Joe Cosgrove, a Consultant in Anaesthesia.
Dr Cosgrove describes an example of Advance Care Planning in practice, explaining the background to an anonymised patient case, what happened and lessons to be learned. It is a masterclass in proactive, personalised planning demonstrating zooming out, or seeing the long-term illness in an acute healthcare situation.
The blog closes with key messages for Advance Care Planning in a chronic and severe illness.
Advance Care Planning – why it matters to me by Bo Mandeville
I am thrilled to host a guest blog by Bo Mandeville. Bo begins by describing who he is and the neurodegenerative condition he has been diagnosed with. Bo then shares why Advance Care Planning is important to him and the challenges he has faced in seeking appropriate care. Bo closes the blog with a call to arms for us all to recognise the importance of planning ahead and for the availability of support to do so.
What resource can I find for Advance Care Planning on the Speak For Me website?
“Where can I find resource to support Advance Care Planning?” is a question I hear often; this blog sets out what you can find on the Speak For Me website and invites you to let me know what other resource would be valuable.
Pages of my registered Lasting Power of Attorney are missing – is the document valid?
Question: Why are there missing pages in a Lasting Power of Attorney returned by the Office of the Public Guardian after registration?
Answer: in the blog to follow…..
This is an exciting blog for me to share as it is an introduction to Nichola, LPA Associate and Project Manager, and the newest recruit to Speak For Me. Nichola started a couple of weeks ago and I may have omitted a little in the job description – thank you for stepping into blog writing so quickly if unexpectedly.
I was sent this question “Why are there missing pages in a Lasting Power of Attorney returned by the Office of the Public Guardian after registration?” via a convoluted Twitter (X) route and am grateful for Nichola in summarising the outcome of discussions and investigations.
Can I use a Lasting Power of Attorney Abroad?
Can I use a Lasting Power of Attorney abroad was a question I was asked recently, finding the answer and sharing what I learned is the foundation for this blog.
Organ Donation: Law, personal reflections & a challenge to you
I mentioned Organ Donation in my previous blog and am aware that this important subject deserves a more detailed discussion. This blog will highlights current law, shares my professional experience of Organ Donation and, I hope, encourages people to engage in talking about Organ Donation personally and professionally.
Your Advance Care Planning: a five-step resolution for 2024
Looking to 2024 and the resolutions that are so popular this time of year, now seems a good time to suggest Advance Care Planning as a resolution with real meaning. It can seem a daunting task and will be different for everyone depending on your stage of life, but there are some common themes and ideas that can work for us all. This blog offers five practical tasks, listed below, for Advance care Planning.
Who can witness the signatures for a Lasting Power of Attorney?
I work with clients locally and nationally; for my local clients I act as the Certificate Provider and witness, for clients I support locally I advise on who can fulfil the role of witness. In the previous blog I described the role of a Certificate Provider ( No just in Certificate Provision ) and this follow on blog describes who can be a witness for a Lasting Power of Attorney.
No just in Certificate Provision
Some time ago I was contacted to ask if I would “just be the Certificate Provider” for a person’s Lasting Power of Attorney. It seems such an easy question and quick task, but there really is no just in Certificate Provision. This blog explains what the role of a Certificate Provider is in the context of a Lasting Power of Attorney and aims to demonstrated why I feel the word “just” minimises the importance of the role.
What is the difference between Advance Care Planning and an Advance Care Plan?
Advance Care Planning and an Advance Care Plan are related concepts, this blog explores what each term means and the intersection between them.
What difference does it make if an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment is written before or after a Lasting Power of Attorney?
This week’s blog answers another question I have been asked recently - What difference does it make if an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment is written before or after a Lasting Power of Attorney? The question is one I have been asked many times in the past and again more recently – whether to write an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment before or after creating a Lasting Power of Attorney. The question also links with my previous blog Can a family create an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment for someone who has lost capacity?
Can a family create an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment for someone who has lost capacity?
Can an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment be written by an attorney? This is the essence of a question I have been asked recently, and will answer in the flowing blog. The person who posed the question kindly consented for me to share an anonymised background and the questions they faced.
When an attorneyship might end due to factors outside the control of either donor or attorney
It may seem counter-intuitive to look at stopping being an attorney when so much if what I promote is proactive Advance Care Planning, including having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place. I believe it is important to understand how the role of an attorney may end right at the beginning of making a Lasting Power of Attorney because it could influence how the document is drafted. This is the last of three blogs exploring how an attorneyship could end.
Can I remove an attorney from a Lasting Power of Attorney?
In the previous blog I answered the question “Can I stop being an attorney?” I wrote from the perspective of an attorney wanting to relinquish the role or disclaim the attorneyship and described how this could be carried out. To follow the theme of stopping being an attorney, this blog describes how a donor could remove an attorney.