#30 Following up Zoe’s pledge to sort out her Digital Legacy


#30 Following up Zoe’s pledge to sort out her Digital Legacy

In this follow up episode I talk with Zoe Harris, founder of My Care Matters and creator of My Future Care Handbook and Buddy service. The podcast follows up a conversation I had with Zoe six months ago in episode 8 of Conversations About Advance Care Planning. Like every guest, I asked Zoe what she had done as part of her planning ahead and what was on her to do list. Zoe identified a need to sort out her Digital Legacy and we agreed to check in in six months to see Zoe’s progress.

Key messages from guest

  • Zoe recognised that knowing we had the conversation planned encouraged her to take action.

  • The latest My Care Matters My Future Care Handbook features planning for your Digital Legacy.

  • Zoe started her Digital Legacy by making a list of all the digital accounts she holds

  • Zoe has appointed executors for her Digital Legacy and used this as a chance to close down unused accounts

  • The next step Zoe completed was to look at separate sites to see who could take actions on each account (like FaceBook and Twitter). 

  • Zoe decided that the most important account was the one containing her photos and therefore that was the one to focus on and has a letter of wishes drafted

  • Some great advice from Zoe: ideally we should all shut down accounts we don’t use

  • Zoe shares the collaborative work we are doing, linking My Future Care Handbook, the Buddy Service and a Lasting Power of Attorney service



Zoe Harris, founder of Mycarematters and creator of the My Future Care Handbook and Buddy Service. Below is the MyCareMatters website “about me” for more information about Zoe and the inspiration for MyCareMatters

“I came up with the idea of our flagship product, the Remember-I'm-Me Care Chart, when my late husband had to move to a care home for what turned out to be the final 13 months of his life. I started to stick scribbled notes on the wall of his room when I realised that carers couldn't possibly know about the things that would make a difference to his quality of life.
The information was in the care plan but it's unreasonable to expect carers to remember everything, particularly in those stressful early days. The scribbled notes started to evolve into a series of symbols and prompts next to them, very much like the care chart as it is now. The care home manager saw how helpful it was having the information available at a glance, and wanted me to produce more for her other residents! We ran some trials and developed the chart into what is proving to be a useful tool in providing the best possible care.
We have gone on to develop an online version of the charts in the form of Mycarematters profiles as well as other products and services, but what I'm most excited about for Mycarematters Trading is the potential for showcasing other people's ideas, raising awareness of the numerous initiatives that deserve a wider audience.”

Zoe Harris, CEO, MyCareMatters


What one thing will you do?

It would be great to share what resonated with you from this episode, what is the one thing you will do differently? Head to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to continue these important conversations.

Thanks to all my guests for working with me to share their knowledge, experience and stories about Advance Care Planning. I hope you enjoyed listening and have insights to take away; I love hearing your reflections on the series and look forward to reviews on Spotify where you can also subscribe to the series.


Important Conversations about Important Conversations.