Clare Fuller - Advance Care Planning Advocate

End of Life Care Expert, patient rights campaigner, educator, and Lasting Power of Attorney Consultant.

“I believe passionately in more open conversation around healthcare and in empowering people to ask the questions that matter.”

Clare Fuller - Contact me.


Services For Families


Lasting Power of Attorney

I provide a complete Lasting Power of Attorney service from initial discussion, drafting, certificate provision and submission to the Office of the Public Guardian. Each Lasting Power of Attorney is drafted in a way tailored specifically to the client and can be face to face or remote.

Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment

I offer free advice on completing an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment and also provide a bespoke service as required.

Advance Care Planning

Have you heard of an Advance Care Plan but don’t know where to start? Advance Care Planning matters to us all at every stage of life.

Advice in last weeks of life

I offer free advice and support for families who are caring for someone in the last days or weeks of life, I can also provide bespoke support as required.


Free 15 minute consultation

I understand that this could be of a sensitive nature or you may not know what help you need, this is why I offer a complimentary no commitment call to discuss your circumstances and see where I can help. Contact me here.

Services For Professionals


Preparation for CQC

I provide an End of Life Care (EoLC) Service analysis for teams looking to benchmark and improve delivery of EoLC.

Service analysis is based on national policy, best practice guidance and aligned to CQC Key Lines of Enquiry, (KLOE’s).

I help teams improve End of Life Care

I provide an End of Life Care (EoLC) Service analysis for teams looking to improve EoLC delivery.

Service analysis is based on national policy, best practice guidance and aligned to CQC Key Lines of Enquiry, (KLOE’s).

I support professional understanding of Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning is part of every Health Care Professional’s role and embedded in NICE guidance. I support teams in understanding their professional responsibilities in ACP, knowing how ACP applies in their area of work and in making sense of exactly what ACP is. 

You’ll find a wealth of free information in the podcasts, blogs and videos resource.

I deliver End of Life Care Education

I deliver EoLC education face to face or via MTs/Zoom and provide one off session as well as complete EoLC education projects.

If you are looking to review your EoLC Education I would be delighted to work with you, contact me to find out more.

I teach teams about Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment

From tick box to understanding.  

I deliver education for organisations on the correct frameworks, application and ongoing organisational assurance to ensure best practice is maintained. 

I help teams audit current practice to ensure best practice is maintained.

I am an Expert Witness

I am experienced expert witness Expert Witness for Tessa Gough Associates and provide Care and Liability reports for both claimants and defendants as well as on joint instructions, reporting on standards of nursing care, aids and equipment, acceptable practice, and risk management.


Services For Organisations


I am available to speak for groups and organisations to raise awareness of important but often shied away from topics.

I believe passionately in more open conversation around healthcare and in empowering people to ask the questions that matter and deliver professional education, raise public awareness about Planning Ahead, and provide Lasting Power of Attorney Consultancy.

I offer bespoke packages for companies to include Lasting Power of Attorney as an employee benefit

Support your employees at work by offering a subsidised Lasting Power of Attorney Service. I offer bespoke packages for companies ranging from a free information session to drafting Lasting Power of Attorney.

I support public understanding and proactive Advance Care Planning

“I believe passionately in more open conversation around healthcare and in empowering people to ask the questions that matter.”

You will find a wealth of free information in the podcasts, blogs and videos resource.


If you would like to find out more about my work, or have a question about Advance Care Planning I would love to hear from you .

Let’s keep having Important Conversations about Important Conversations.

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