Lasting Power of Attorney: how long does the activation code last?
Questions about using a Lasting Power of Attorney once the document has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian continues to be one of the most frequent questions I am asked. Answering the commonly asked questions in this space is a great way of providing the information and continuing to build a resource around Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Care Planning. This blog answers another question I have recently been asked around the subject of LPAs and activation keys, specifically, how long does the activation code last?
What is an Activation Key?
I have blogged previously about LPAs and Activation Keys and provided a step by step guide to accessing a Lasting Power of Attorney electronically – reading each of these will talk you through how to create the account through which the secure access code can be generated.
In essence, all LPAs registered after 17 July 2020 are returned[i] with a reference number and information about the Use a lasting power of attorney . The Donor or Attorney(s) can then create an account through the use a lasting power of attorney with the reference number, activation key and date of birth of the donor.
How to generate and access code
When the on-line account has been set up and an LPA added, a secure access code can be generated by clicking here. This access code can be used to enable organisations such as banks and hospitals to view a summary of the LPA.
The access code will be active for 30 days after which a new code can be generated.
What does the account look like?
Below is an image from a “use a Lasting Power of Attorney account” showing an expired code. To request a new code, click here
An image from a “use a Lasting Power of Attorney account” showing an expired code
Call to action and next steps
Having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place is an important part of is Just a normal part of life planning and something everyone should consider. I wrote from personal experience in Lasting Power of Attorney: This time it’s personal describing how having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place brought some control in a very difficult situation and I continue to advocate for proactive planning.
Next steps
· If you haven’t yet set up your Lasting Power of Attorney and want to find out more contact me
· If you have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, but not created an account to view and share the access code click here
· Finally, if you have an account to view a Lasting Power of Attorney but more than 30 days has lapsed you will be able to view the Lasting Power of Attorney but not share the access code. need to request a new code. Click here to request a new code.
If you have a question about Lasting Power of Attorney or Advance Care Planning, contact me.
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[i]A Lasting Power of Attorney is returned to the “correspondent”, this is the same person who the Office of the Public Guardian will contact if they have any questions. See LP12 Make and register your lasting power of attorney: a guide (web version) part B3.
For more information about all aspects of activation keys, please see this resource.